Athletic Academic Achievement
TOG365 is a full service athletic and academic academy, aiding scholar-athletes and their families in navigating their way from becoming acquainted with the sport to progressing through varsity and US junior ranks and, ultimately, to securing admission to a high school, college or university of choice.
Since 2007, TOG has hosted squash programs in the United States, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. Our programs, designed, managed and taught by world renowned Egyptian coach, Karim Shohayeb and his team of elite instructors, provide our participants with unique educational experiences that positively impact their squash and personal lives.
It is our objective to help each player be the best that he or she can be, both on and off the court, by integrating excellence in academics with the disciplined teaching of squash. Our philosophy since inception has been consistently built around the importance of academic achievement in conjunction with athletic achievement for the development of strong young leaders.
We encourage you to contact TOG today, we guarantee you will not be disappointed.
We sincerely look forward to playing a part in the future success of your squash career and your continued development towards Athletic Academic Achievement.
"The secret of getting ahead is getting started"